
研究室: AI 316
分機號碼: -
電子郵件: rahmania@yuntech.edu.tw
最高學歷: 葡萄牙阿爾加維大學電腦科學博士後研究員 Postdoc in Computer Science, University of Algarve, Portugal.
研究領域: 物聯網 Internet of Things、無線網路 Wireless networks、可穿戴式計算 Wearable computing、霧運算/雲端運算 Fog/cloud computing、大數據 Big Data
羅馬素/ Amir Masoud Rahmani
學術榮譽 / Awards
- Top university professor of Islamic Azad University, science and research branch (2019)
- Top university professor of Islamic Azad University, science and research branch (2010)
- Top university researcher of Islamic Azad University, science and research branch (2010)
著作/期刊 (-2020)Scholarly Journal
ISI journals with Impact Factor
- SN Maleki, AM Rahmani*, M Conti, "SPO: A Secure and Performance-aware Optimization for MapReduce Scheduling", Journal of Network and Computer Applications 176, 102944
- S Shadroo, AM Rahmani*, A Rezaee, "The two-phase scheduling based on deep learning in the Internet of Things", Computer Networks 185, 107684, 2021
- AA Sadri, AM Rahmani*, M Saberikamarposhti, M Hosseinzadeh, "Fog data management: A vision, challenges, and future directions", Journal of Network and Computer Applications 174, 102882, 2021
- F Davami, S Adabi, A Rezaee, AM Rahmani, "Fog-based architecture for scheduling multiple workflows with high availability requirement", Computing, 1-40, 2021
- ZN Aghdam, AM Rahmani, M Hosseinzadeh, "The Role of the Internet of Things in Healthcare: Future Trends and Challenges", Computer methods and programs in biomedicine, 105903, 2020.
- MM Rad, AM Rahmani*, A Sahafi, NN Qader, "Social Internet of Things: vision, challenges, and trends", Human-centric Computing and Information Sciences 10 (1), 1-40, 2020
- T Samizadeh Nikoui, AM Rahmani*, A Balador, H Haj Seyyed Javadi, "Internet of Things architecture challenges: A systematic review", International Journal of Communication Systems 34 (4), e4678, 2021
- R Zolfaghari, A Sahafi, AM Rahmani, R Rezaei,"Application of Virtual Machine Consolidation in Cloud Computing Systems", Sustainable Computing: Informatics and Systems, 100524, 2021
- Bakhshi Kiadehi, K., Rahmani, A.M.*, Sabbagh Molahosseini, A., "A fault-tolerant architecture for internet-of-things based on software-defined networks", Telecommunication Systems, 2021
- S Akhbarifar, HHS Javadi, AM Rahmani, M Hosseinzadeh,"A secure remote health monitoring model for early disease diagnosis in cloud-based IoT environment", Personal and Ubiquitous Computing, 1-17, 2021
- Amir Masoud Rahmani*, Seyedeh Yasaman Hosseini Mirmahaleh, Mehdi Hosseinzadeh; An intelligent algorithm to recommend percent vegetation cover (ARVC) for PM2.5 reduction, Air Quality, Atmosphere & Health volume 13, 859–870, 2020
- Asghari, Parvaneh; Rahmani, Amir Masoud*; Javadi, Hamid Haj Seyyed; Privacy-aware cloud service composition based on QoS optimization in Internet of Things, Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing, 26-Jan, 2020
- Javadzadeh, Ghazaleh; Rahmani, Amir Masoud*; Fog computing applications in smart cities: A systematic survey, Wireless Networks, 26, 2, 1433-1457, 2020
- Modiri, Vahid; Javadi, Hamid Haj Seyyed; Rahmani, Amir Masoud; Anzani, Mohaddese; Using Residual Design for Key Management in Hierarchical Wireless Sensor Networks, Information Systems & Telecommunication, 53, 2020.
- Shirvani, Mirsaeid Hosseini; Rahmani, Amir Masoud*; Sahafi, Amir; A survey study on virtual machine migration and server consolidation techniques in DVFS-enabled cloud datacenter: Taxonomy and challenges, Journal of King Saud University-Computer and Information Sciences, 32, 3, 267-286, 2020
- Souri, Alireza; Norouzi, Monire; Asghari, Parvaneh; Rahmani, Amir Masoud; Emadi, Ghazaleh; A systematic literature review on formal verification of software-defined networks, Transactions on Emerging Telecommunications Technologies, 31, 2, e3788, 2020
- Amini Motlagh, Aida; Movaghar, Ali; Rahmani, Amir Masoud; Task scheduling mechanisms in cloud computing: A systematic review, International Journal of Communication Systems, 33, 6, e4302, 2020
- Sina, Majid; Dehghan, Mehdi; Rahmani, Amir Masoud; Reshadi, Midia; WidePLive: a coupled low-delay overlay construction mechanism and peer-chunk priority-based chunk scheduling for P2P live video streaming, IET Communications, 14, 6, 937-947, 2020
- Rahmat Zolfaghari, Amir Masoud Rahmani*; Virtual Machine Consolidation in Cloud Computing Systems: Challenges and Future Trends, Wireless Personal Communications, 56, 2020
- Alizadeh, Mohammad Reza; Khajehvand, Vahid; Rahmani, Amir Masoud*; Akbari, Ebrahim; Task scheduling approaches in fog computing: A systematic review, International Journal of Communication Systems, e4583, 2020
- Mehdi Hosseinzadeh, Quan Thanh Tho, Saqib Ali, Amir Masoud Rahmani, Alireza Souri, Monire Norouzi, Bao Huynh; A Hybrid Service Selection and Composition Model for Cloud-Edge Computing in the Internet of Things. IEEE Access 8: 85939-85949, 2020
- Alireza Poordavoodi, Mohammad Reza Moazami Goudarzi, Hamid Haj Seyyed Javadi, Amir Masoud Rahmani, Mohammad Izadikhah; Toward a More Accurate Web Service Selection Using Modified Interval DEA Models with Undesirable Outputs, 123,2, 525-570, 2020
- Mehdi Hosseinzadeh, Jan Lansky, Amir Masoud Rahmani, Cuong Trinh, Masoumeh Safkhani, Nasour Bagheri, Bao Huynh; A New Strong Adversary Model for RFID Authentication Protocols. IEEE Access 8: 125029-125045, 2020
- Bakhshi, Mahdi; Nematbakhsh, Mohammadali; Mohsenzadeh, Mehran; Rahmani, Amir Masoud; Data-driven construction of SPARQL queries by approximate question graph alignment in question answering over knowledge graphs, Expert Systems with Applications, 146, 113205, 2020
- Rajabzadeh, Mehdi; Haghighat, Abolfazl Toroghi; Rahmani, Amir Masoud; New comprehensive model based on virtual clusters and absorbing Markov chains for energy-efficient virtual machine management in cloud computing, The Journal of Supercomputing, 20-Jan, 2020
- Kazemi Kordestani, Javidan; Meybodi, Mohammad Reza; Rahmani, Amir Masoud; A Two-Level Function Evaluation Management Model for Multi-Population Methods in Dynamic Environments: Hierarchical Learning Automata Approach, Journal of Experimental & Theoretical Artificial Intelligence, 26-Jan, 2020
- Azimi Kashani, A; Ghanbari, M; Rahmani, AM; Improving Performance of Opportunistic Routing Protocol using Fuzzy Logic for Vehicular Ad-hoc Networks in Highways, Journal of AI and Data Mining, 8, 2, 213-226, 2020
- Haghi Kashani, Mostafa; Rahmani, Amir Masoud*; Jafari Navimipour, Nima; Quality of service-aware approaches in fog computing, International Journal of Communication Systems, 33, 8, e4340, 2020
- Ghazvini, Golnaz Aghaee; Mohsenzadeh, Mehran; Nasiri, Ramin; Rahmani, Amir Masoud; MMLT: A mutual multilevel trust framework based on trusted third parties in multicloud environments, SOFTWARE-PRACTICE & EXPERIENCE, 2020
- Ayubi, Peyman; Setayeshi, Saeed; Rahmani, Amir Masoud; Deterministic chaos game: A new fractal based pseudo-random number generator and its cryptographic application, Journal of Information Security and Applications, 52, 102472, 2020
- Azimi, Nooshin; Mirzaee, Reza Faghih; Navi, Keivan; Rahmani, Amir Masoud; Ternary DDCVSL: a combined dynamic logic style for standard ternary logic with single power source, IET Computers & Digital Techniques, 2020
- Rashida, Seyedeh Yasaman; Sabaei, Masoud; Ebadzadeh, Mohammad Mehdi; Rahmani, Amir Masoud; An intelligent approach for predicting resource usage by combining decomposition techniques with NFTS network, Cluster Computing, volume 23, pages 3435–3460, 2020
- Ghazvini, Golnaz Aghaee; Mohsenzadeh, Mehran; Nasiri, Ramin; Rahmani, Amir Masoud; A new multi-level trust management framework (MLTM) for solving the invalidity and sparse problems of user feedback ratings in cloud environments, The Journal of Supercomputing, 29-Jan, 2020
- Nobahary, Solmaz; Garakani, Hossein Gharaee; Khademzadeh, Ahmad; Rahmani, Amir Masoud; Selfish Node detection based on GA and Learning Automata in IoT, 2020
- Aghaee Ghazvini, Golnaz; Mohsenzadeh, Mehran; Nasiri, Ramin; Masoud Rahmani, Amir; MMLT: A mutual multilevel trust framework based on trusted third parties in multicloud environments, Software: Practice and Experience, 50, 7, 1203-1227, 2020
- Elmi, Yasser; Zargari, Farzad; Rahmani, Amir Masoud; Iterative approach for parametric PSF estimation, Multimedia Tools and Applications, 18-Jan, 2020
- Ahmadinia, Mohammad; Movaghar, Ali; Rahmani, Amir Masoud; Ontology-based modelling and information extracting of physical entities in semantic sensor networks, IETE Journal of Research, 65, 4, 540-556, 2019
- Sola, Yasser Elmi; Zargari, Farzad; Rahmani, Amir Masoud; Blind image deblurring based on multi-resolution ringing removal, Signal Processing, 154, 250-259, 2019
- Souri, Alireza; Nourozi, Monire; Rahmani, Amir Masoud; Navimipour, Nima Jafari; A model checking approach for user relationship management in the social network, Kybernetes, 2019
- Irandoost, Mohammad Amin; Rahmani, Amir Masoud*; Setayeshi, Saeed; A novel algorithm for handling reducer side data skew in MapReduce based on a learning automata game, Information Sciences, 501, 662-679, 2019
- Shabestari, Fatemeh; Rahmani, Amir Masoud; Navimipour, Nima Jafari; Jabbehdari, Sam; A taxonomy of software-based and hardware-based approaches for energy efficiency management in the Hadoop, Journal of Network and Computer Applications, 126, 162-177, 2019
- Sayadnavard, Monireh H; Haghighat, Abolfazl Toroghi; Rahmani, Amir Masoud; A reliable energy-aware approach for dynamic virtual machine consolidation in cloud data centers, The Journal of Supercomputing, 75, 4, 2126-2147, 2019
- Asghari, Parvaneh; Rahmani, Amir Masoud*; Javadi, Hamid Haj Seyyed; Internet of Things applications: A systematic review, Computer Networks, 148, 241-261, 2019
- Ghasemi, Safiye; Meybodi, Mohammad Reza; Takht-Fooladi, Mehdi Dehghan; Rahmani, Amir Masoud; RMRL: improved regret minimisation techniques using learning automata, Journal of Experimental & Theoretical Artificial Intelligence, 31, 3, 441-454, 2019
- Nikoui, Tina Samizadeh; Rahmani, Amir Masoud*; Tabarsaied, Hooman; Data Management in Fog Computing, Fog and Edge Computing: Principles and Paradigms, 171-190, 2019
- Shojaiemehr, Bahador; Rahmani, Amir Masoud*; Qader, Nooruldeen Nasih; A three-phase process for SLA negotiation of composite cloud services, Computer Standards & Interfaces, 64, 85-95, 2019
- Irandoost, Mohammad Amin; Rahmani, Amir Masoud*; Setayeshi, Saeed; MapReduce data skewness handling: a systematic literature review, International Journal of Parallel Programming, 47, 6-May, 907-950, 2019
- Souri, Alireza; Rahmani, Amir Masoud*; Navimipour, Nima Jafari; Rezaei, Reza; A symbolic model checking approach in formal verification of distributed systems, Human-centric Computing and Information Sciences, 9, 1, 4, 2019
- Sayadnavard, Monireh H; Haghighat, Abolfazl Toroghi; Rahmani, Amir Masoud; Correction to: A reliable energy-aware approach for dynamic virtual machine consolidation in cloud data centers, The Journal of Supercomputing, 75, 4, 2148-2148, 2019
- Souri, Alireza; Rahmani, Amir Masoud*; Navimipour, Nima Jafari; Rezaei, Reza; Formal modeling and verification of a service composition approach in the social customer relationship management system, Information Technology & People, 2019
- Ghomi, Einollah Jafarnejad; Rahmani, Amir Masoud*; Qader, Nooruldeen Nasih; Cloud manufacturing: challenges, recent advances, open research issues, and future trends, The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 102, 12-Sep, 3613-3639, 2019
- Jafarnejad Ghomi, Einollah; Rahmani, Amir Masoud*; Qader, Nooruldeen Nasih; Applying queue theory for modeling of cloud computing: A systematic review, Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience, 31, 17, e5186, 2019
- Pourkabirian, Azadeh; Fooladi, Mehdi Dehghan Takht; Khosraghi, Esmaeil Zeinali; Rahmani, Amir Masoud; An Evolutionary Game-Theoretic Approach for Base Station Allocation in Wireless Femtocell Networks, Wireless Personal Communications, 107, 1, 217-242, 2019
- Akhbarifar, Samira; Javadi, Hamid Haj Seyyed; Rahmani, Amir Masoud; Hosseinzadeh, Mehdi; Hybrid key pre-distribution scheme based on symmetric design, Iranian Journal of Science and Technology, Transactions A: Science, 43, 5, 2399-2406, 2019
- Irandoost, Mohammad Amin; Rahmani, Amir Masoud*; Setayeshi, Saeed; Learning automata-based algorithms for MapReduce data skewness handling, The Journal of Supercomputing, 75, 10, 6488-6516, 2019
- Jafarnejad Ghomi, Einollah; Rahmani, Amir Masood*; Qader, Nooruldeen Nasih; Service load balancing, scheduling, and logistics optimization in cloud manufacturing by using genetic algorithm, Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience, 31, 20, e5329, 2019
- Ghasemi, Farideh; Rezaee, Ali; Rahmani, Amir Masoud; Structural and behavioral reference model for IoT-based elderly health-care systems in smart home, International Journal of Communication Systems, 32, 12, e4002, 2019
- Asghari, Parvaneh; Rahmani, Amir Masoud*; Haj Seyyed Javadi, Hamid; A medical monitoring scheme and health-medical service composition model in cloud-based IoT platform, Transactions on Emerging Telecommunications Technologies, 30, 6, e3637, 2019
- Mohammadi, Venus; Rahmani, Amir Masoud*; Darwesh, Aso Mohammed; Sahafi, Amir; Trust-based recommendation systems in Internet of Things: a systematic literature review, Human-centric Computing and Information Sciences, 9, 1, 21, 2019
- Maleki, Neda; Rahmani, Amir Masoud*; Conti, Mauro; MapReduce: an infrastructure review and research insights, The Journal of Supercomputing, 75, 10, 6934-7002, 2019
- Jafarnejad Ghomi, Einollah; Rahmani, Amir Masoud*; Nasih Qader, Nooruldeen; Service load balancing, task scheduling and transportation optimisation in cloud manufacturing by applying queuing system, Enterprise Information Systems, 13, 6, 865-894, 2019
- Rashida, Seyedeh Yasaman; Sabaei, Masoud; Ebadzadeh, Mohammad Mehdi; Rahmani, Amir Masoud; A memetic grouping genetic algorithm for cost efficient VM placement in multi-cloud environment, Cluster Computing, Jan-40, 2019
- Mesbahi, Mohammad Reza; Rahmani, Amir Masoud*; Hosseinzadeh, Mehdi; Dependability analysis for characterizing Google cluster reliability, International Journal of Communication Systems, 2019
- Shojaiemehr, Bahador; Rahmani, Amir Masoud*; Qader, Nooruldeen Nasih; Automated negotiation for ensuring composite service requirements in cloud computing, Journal of Systems Architecture, 99, 101632, 2019
- Safari, Rahebeh Mojtahedi; Rahmani, Amir Masoud*; Alizadeh, Sasan H; User behavior mining on social media: a systematic literature review, Multimedia Tools and Applications, 78, 23, 33747-33804, 2019
- Kashani, Ali Azimi; Ghanbari, Mohammad; Rahmani, Amir Masoud; Improving the performance of opportunistic routing protocol using the evidence theory for VANETs in highways, IET Communications, 13, 20, 3360-3368, 2019
- Azad, Poopak; Navimipour, Nima Jafari; Rahmani, Amir Masoud; Sharifi, Arash; The role of structured and unstructured data managing mechanisms in the Internet of things, Cluster Computing, 14-Jan, 2019
- Sina, Majid; Dehghan, Mehdi; Rahmani, Amir Masoud; CaR-PLive: Cloud-assisted reinforcement learning based P2P live video streaming: a hybrid approach, Multimedia Tools and Applications, 78, 23, 34095-34127, 2019
- Jahantigh, Motahareh Nazari; Rahmani, Amir Masoud; Navimirour, Nima Jafari; Rezaee, Ali; Integration of Internet of Things and cloud computing: a systematic survey, IET Communications, 14, 2, 165-176, 2019
- Mirmahaleh, Seyedeh Yasaman Hosseini; Rahmani, Amir Masoud; DNN pruning and mapping on NoC-Based communication infrastructure, Microelectronics Journal, 94, 104655, 2019
- Mohammadrezaei, Mohammad Reza; Shiri, Mohammad Ebrahim; Rahmani, Amir Masoud; Detection of Fake Accounts in Social Networks Based on One Class Classification, ISeCure-The ISC International Journal of Information Security, 11, 2, 173-183, 2019
- Abadi, Reza Mohamadi Bahram; Rahmani, Amir Masoud*; Alizadeh, Sasan Hossein; Challenges of server consolidation in virtualized data centers and open research issues: a systematic literature review, The Journal of Supercomputing, Jan-52, 2019
- Nobahary, Solmaz; Garakani, Hossein Gharaee; Khademzadeh, Ahmad; Rahmani, Amir Masoud; Selfish node detection based on hierarchical game theory in IoT, EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking, 2019, 1, 255, 2019
- Souri, Alireza; Rahmani, Amir Masoud*; Navimipour, Nima Jafari; Rezaei, Reza; A hybrid formal verification approach for QoS-aware multi-cloud service composition, Cluster Computing, 18-Jan, 2019
- Kazemi Kordestani, Javidan; Meybodi, Mohammad Reza; Rahmani, Amir Masoud; A note on the exclusion operator in multi-swarm PSO algorithms for dynamic environments, Connection Science, 25-Jan, 2019
- Shojaiemehr, Bahador; Rahmani, Amir Masoud*; Qader, Nooruldeen Nasih; Cloud computing service negotiation: A systematic review, Computer Standards & Interfaces, 55, 196-206, 2018
- Hosseini Shirvani, Mirsaeid; Rahmani, Amir Masoud*; Sahafi, Amir; An iterative mathematical decision model for cloud migration: A cost and security risk approach, Software: Practice and Experience, 48, 3, 449-485, 2018
- Ghasemi, Safiye; Meybodi, Mohammad Reza; Fooladi, Mehdi Dehghan Takht; Rahmani, Amir Masoud; A cost-aware mechanism for optimized resource provisioning in cloud computing, Cluster Computing, 21, 2, 1381-1394, 2018
- Azari, Leila; Rahmani, Amir Masoud*; Daniel, Helder A; Qader, Nooruldeen Nasih; A data replication algorithm for groups of files in data grids, Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing, 113, 115-126, 2018
- Souri, Alireza; Navimipour, Nima Jafari; Rahmani, Amir Masoud*; Formal verification approaches and standards in the cloud computing: a comprehensive and systematic review, Computer Standards & Interfaces, 58, 22-Jan, 2018
- Pourkabirian, Azadeh; Fooladi, Mehdi Dehghan Takht; Zeinali, Esmaeil; Rahmani, Amir Masoud; Dynamic resource allocation for OFDMA femtocell networks: a game-theoretic approach, Telecommunication Systems, 69, 1, 51-59, 2018
- Shadroo, Shabnam; Rahmani, Amir Masoud*; Systematic survey of big data and data mining in internet of things, Computer Networks, 139, 19-47, 2018
- Mohamadi Bahram Abadi, Reza; Rahmani, Amir Masoud*; Alizadeh, Sasan H; Server consolidation techniques in virtualized data centers of cloud environments: A systematic literature review, Software: Practice and Experience, 48, 9, 1688-1726, 2018
- Yousefipour, Amin; Rahmani, Amir Masoud*; Jahanshahi, Mohsen; Energy and cost-aware virtual machine consolidation in cloud computing, Software: Practice and Experience, 48, 10, 1758-1774, 2018
- Abadi, Reza Mohammadi Bahram; Rahmani, Amir Masoud*; Alizadeh, Sasan Hossein; Self-adaptive architecture for virtual machines consolidation based on probabilistic model evaluation of data centers in Cloud computing, Cluster Computing, 21, 3, 1711-1733, 2018
- Ghobaei-Arani, Mostafa; Rahmanian, Ali A; Souri, Alireza; Rahmani, Amir Masoud; A moth-flame optimization algorithm for web service composition in cloud computing: simulation and verification, Software: Practice and Experience, 48, 10, 1865-1892, 2018
- Ahmadinia, Mohammad; Movaghar, Ali; Rahmani, Amir Masoud; Semantic data gathering of physical entities in semantic sensor networks using software agents, Information Technology and Control, 47, 2, 167-183, 2018
- Mesbahi, Mohammad Reza; Rahmani, Amir Masoud*; Hosseinzadeh, Mehdi; Reliability and high availability in cloud computing environments: a reference roadmap, Human-centric Computing and Information Sciences, 8, 1, 20, 2018
- Asghari, Parvaneh; Rahmani, Amir Masoud*; Javadi, Hamid Haj Seyyed; Service composition approaches in IoT: A systematic review, Journal of Network and Computer Applications, 120, 61-77, 2018
- Anari, Babak; Akbari Torkestani, Javad; Rahmani, Amir Masoud; A learning automata-based clustering algorithm using ant swarm intelligence, Expert systems, 35, 6, e12310, 2018
- Mohammadrezaei, Mohammadreza; Shiri, Mohammad Ebrahim; Rahmani, Amir Masoud; Identifying fake accounts on social networks based on graph analysis and classification algorithms, Security and Communication Networks, 2018, 2018
- Souri, Alireza; Hosseinpour, Shafigheh; Rahmani, Amir Masoud; Personality classification based on profiles of social networks’ users and the five-factor model of personality, Human-centric Computing and Information Sciences, 8, 1, 24, 2018
- Souri, Alireza; Rahmani, Amir Masoud; Jafari Navimipour, Nima; Formal verification approaches in the web service composition: a comprehensive analysis of the current challenges for future research, International journal of communication systems, 31, 17, e3808, 2018
- Mahini, Hamidreza; Dehghan, Mehdi; Navidi, Hamidreza; Rahmani, Amir Masoud; Game theory approach to peer-to-peer video streaming: a comprehensive survey, International Journal of Autonomous and Adaptive Communications Systems, 11, 4, 333-364, 2018
- Javaheri, Danial; Hosseinzadeh, Mehdi; Rahmani, Amir Masoud; Detection and elimination of spyware and ransomware by intercepting kernel-level system routines, IEEE Access, 6, 78321-78332, 2018
- Sayadnavard, Monireh Hosseini; Haghighat, Abolfazl Toroghi; Rahmani, Amir Masoud; Toward an Enhancead Dynamic VM Consolidation Approach for Cloud Datacenters Using Continuous Time Markov Chain, Information Systems & Telecommunication, 236, 2018
- Keshvadi, Sina; Rahmani, Amir Masoud; Rostami, Habib; Recommend top-k most downloaded files in the chord-based P2P file-sharing system, Peer-to-Peer Networking and Applications, 10, 1, 208-215, 2017
- Derakhshanfard, Nahideh; Sabaei, Masoud; Rahmani, Amir Masoud; CPTR: conditional probability tree based routing in opportunistic networks, Wireless networks, 23, 1, 43-50, 2017
- Zarei, Mani; Rahmani, Amir Masoud*; Samimi, Hossein; Connectivity analysis for dynamic movement of vehicular ad hoc networks, Wireless Networks, 23, 3, 843-858, 2017
- Karimi, Mohammad Bagher; Isazadeh, Ayaz; Rahmani, Amir Masoud; QoS-aware service composition in cloud computing using data mining techniques and genetic algorithm, The Journal of Supercomputing, 73, 4, 1387-1415, 2017
- Anari, Babak; Torkestani, J Akbari; Rahmani, Amir Masoud; Automatic data clustering using continuous action-set learning automata and its application in segmentation of images, Applied Soft Computing, 51, 253-265, 2017
- Zarei, Mani; Rahmani, Amir Masoud*; Analysis of vehicular mobility in a dynamic free-flow highway, Vehicular Communications, 7, 51-57, 2017
- Siadat, Safieh; Rahmani, Amir Masoud*; Navid, Hamidreza; Identifying fake feedback in cloud trust management systems using feedback evaluation component and Bayesian game model, The Journal of Supercomputing, 73, 6, 2682-2704, 2017
- Mahini, Hamidreza; Dehghan, Mehdi; Navidi, Hamidreza; Rahmani, Amir Masoud; Peer-assisted video streaming based on network coding and Beer-Quiche game, AEU-International Journal of Electronics and Communications, 73, 34-45, 2017
- Razzaghzadeh, Shiva; Navin, Ahmad Habibizad; Rahmani, Amir Masoud; Hosseinzadeh, Mehdi; Probabilistic modeling to achieve load balancing in expert clouds, Ad Hoc Networks, 59, 23-Dec, 2017
- Ghomi, Einollah Jafarnejad; Rahmani, Amir Masoud*; Qader, Nooruldeen Nasih; Load-balancing algorithms in cloud computing: A survey, Journal of Network and Computer Applications, 88, 50-71, 2017
- Hanani, Ali; Rahmani, Amir Masoud*; Sahafi, Amir; A multi-parameter scheduling method of dynamic workloads for big data calculation in cloud computing, The Journal of Supercomputing, 73, 11, 4796-4822, 2017
- Mesbahi, Mohammad Reza; Rahmani, Amir Masoud*; Hosseinzadeh, Mehdi; Highly reliable architecture using the 80/20 rule in cloud computing datacenters, Future Generation Computer Systems, 77, 77-86, 2017
- Rahmani, Amir Masoud*; Azari, Leila; Daniel, Helder A; A file group data replication algorithm for data grids, Journal of Grid Computing, 15, 3, 379-393, 2017
- Effatparvar, Mehdi; Dehghan, Mehdi; Rahmani, Amir Masoud; Lifetime maximization in wireless body area sensor networks, 2017
- Dashti, Seyed Ebrahim; Rahmani, Amir Masoud*; Dynamic VMs placement for energy efficiency by PSO in cloud computing, Journal of Experimental & Theoretical Artificial Intelligence, 28, 2-Jan, 97-112, 2016
- Derakhshanfard, Nahideh; Sabaei, Masoud; Rahmani, Amir Masoud; Sharing spray and wait routing algorithm in opportunistic networks, Wireless Networks, 22, 7, 2403-2414, 2016
- Zarei, Mani; Rahmani, Amir Masoud*; Renewal process of information propagation in delay tolerant VANETs, Wireless Personal Communications, 89, 4, 1045-1063, 2016
- Effatparvar, Mehdi; Dehghan, Mehdi; Rahmani, Amir Masoud; A comprehensive survey of energy-aware routing protocols in wireless body area sensor networks, Journal of medical systems, 40, 9, 201, 2016
- Mahini, Hamidreza; Dehghan, Mehdi; Navidi, Hamidreza; Masoud Rahmani, Amir; GaMe-PLive: a new game theoretic mechanism for P2P live video streaming, International Journal of Communication Systems, 29, 6, 1187-1203, 2016
- Erfani, Seyed Hossein; Javadi, Hamid HS; Rahmani, Amir Masoud; A dynamic key management scheme for dynamic wireless sensor networks, Security and Communication Networks, 8, 6, 1040-1049, 2015
- Gholami, Ehsan; Rahmani, Amir Masoud; Fooladi, Mehdi Dehghan Takht; Adaptive and distributed TDMA scheduling protocol for wireless sensor networks, Wireless Personal Communications, 80, 3, 947-969, 2015
- Golsorkhtabaramiri, Mehdi; Hosseinzadeh, Mehdi; Reshadi, Midia; Rahmani, Amir Masoud; A reader anti-collision protocol for RFID-enhanced wireless sensor networks, Wireless Personal Communications, 81, 2, 893-905, 2015
- Rahmani, Amir Masoud*; Fadaie, Zeinab; Chronopoulos, Anthony T; Data placement using Dewey Encoding in a hierarchical data grid, Journal of Network and Computer Applications, 49, 88-98, 2015
- Navimipour, Nima Jafari; Rahmani, Amir Masoud; Navin, Ahmad Habibizad; Hosseinzadeh, Mehdi; Expert Cloud: A Cloud-based framework to share the knowledge and skills of human resources, Computers in Human Behavior, 46, 57-74, 2015
- Navimipour, Nima Jafari; Navin, Ahmad Habibizad; Rahmani, Amir Masoud*; Hosseinzadeh, Mehdi; Behavioral modeling and automated verification of a Cloud-based framework to share the knowledge and skills of human resources, Computers in Industry, 68, 65-77, 2015
- Erfani, Seyed Hossein; Javadi, Hamid HS; Rahmani, Amir Masoud; Analysis of Key Management Schemes in Dynamic Wireless Sensor Networks, Advances in Computer Science: an International Journal, 4, 1, 117-121, 2015
- Barati, Hamid; Movaghar, Ali; Rahmani, Amir Masoud; EACHP: Energy aware clustering hierarchy protocol for large scale wireless sensor networks, Wireless Personal Communications, 85, 3, 765-789, 2015
- Hakamian, Mir Alireza; Rahmani, Amir Masoud; Evaluation of isolation in virtual machine environments encounter in effective attacks against memory, Security and Communication Networks, 8, 18, 4396-4406, 2015
- Mahdipour, E brahim; Rahmani, Amir Masoud; Setayeshi, Saeed; Performance evaluation of an importance sampling technique in a Jackson network, International Journal of Systems Science, 45, 3, 373-383, 2014
- Adabi, Sahar; Movaghar, Ali; Rahmani, Amir Masoud; Bi-level fuzzy based advanced reservation of Cloud workflow applications on distributed Grid resources, The Journal of Supercomputing, 67, 1, 175-218, 2014
- Rezaee, Ali; Rahmani, Amir Masoud; Movaghar, Ali; Teshnehlab, Mohammad; Formal process algebraic modeling, verification, and analysis of an abstract Fuzzy Inference Cloud Service, The Journal of Supercomputing, 67, 2, 345-383, 2014
- Navimipour, Nima Jafari; Rahmani, Amir Masoud; Navin, Ahmad Habibizad; Hosseinzadeh, Mehdi; Resource discovery mechanisms in grid systems: A survey, Journal of Network and Computer Applications, 41, 389-410, 2014
- Adabi, Sepideh; Movaghar, Ali; Rahmani, Amir Masoud; Beigy, Hamid; Dastmalchy-Tabrizi, Hengameh; A new fuzzy negotiation protocol for grid resource allocation, Journal of network and computer applications, 37, 89-126, 2014
- Arasteh, Bahman; Miremadi, Seyed Ghassem; Rahmani, Amir Masoud; Developing inherently resilient software against soft-errors based on algorithm level inherent features, Journal of Electronic Testing, 30, 2, 193-212, 2014
- Rezaee, Abbas Ali; Yaghmaee, Mohammad Hossein; Rahmani, Amir Masoud; Optimized congestion management protocol for healthcare wireless sensor networks, Wireless personal communications, 75, 1, Nov-34, 2014
- Navimipour, Nima Jafari; Rahmani, Amir Masoud; Navin, Ahmad Habibizad; Hosseinzadeh, Mehdi; Job scheduling in the Expert Cloud based on genetic algorithms, Kybernetes, 2014
- Navin, Ahmad Habibizad; Navimipour, Nima Jafari; Rahmani, Amir Masoud; Hosseinzadeh, Mehdi; Expert grid: new type of grid to manage the human resources and study the effectiveness of its task scheduler, Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering, 39, 8, 6175-6188, 2014
- Adabi, Sepideh; Movaghar, Ali; Rahmani, Amir Masoud; Beigy, Hamid; Market_based grid resource allocation using new negotiation model, Journal of Network and Computer Applications, 36, 1, 543-565, 2013
- Adabi, Sepideh; Movaghar, Ali; Rahmani, Amir Masoud; Beigy, Hamid; Negotiation strategies considering market, time and behavior functions for resource allocation in computational grid, The Journal of Supercomputing, 66, 3, 1350-1389, 2013
- Abdeyazdan, Marjan; Parsa, Saeed; Rahmani, Amir Masoud; Task graph pre-scheduling, using Nash equilibrium in game theory, The Journal of Supercomputing, 64, 1, 177-203, 2013
- Rezaee, Abbas Ali; Yaghmaee, Mohammad Hossein; Rahmani, Amir Masoud; Mohajerzadeh, Amir Hossein; HOCA: Healthcare aware optimized congestion avoidance and control protocol for wireless sensor networks, Journal of Network and Computer Applications, 37, 216-228, 2014
- Dishabi, Mohammad Reza Ebrahimi; Azgomi, Mohammad Abdollahi; Rahmani, Amir Masoud; An improved technique for privacy preserving clustering based on Daubechies-2 wavelet transform, International Journal of Wavelets, Multiresolution and Information Processing, 11, 5, 1350039, 2013
- Mahdipour, Ebrahim; Rahmani, Amir Masoud; Setayeshi, Saeed; Importance sampling for Jackson networks with customer impatience until the end of service, Journal of network and computer applications, 36, 4, 1091-1101, 2013
- Nourossana, Sadegh; Erfani, Hossein; Javadi, H Haj Seyyed; Rahmani, Amir Masoud; Bee colony system: preciseness and speed in discrete optimization, International Journal on Artificial Intelligence Tools, 21, 1, 1250006, 2012
- Kheyrandish, Mohammad; Setayeshi, Saeed; Rahmani, Amir Masoud; DISFLUENCY DETECTION ON SPONTANEOUS SPEECH USING LEARNING CELLULAR AUTOMATA, International Journal on Artificial Intelligence Tools, 21, 5, 1250020, 2012
- Saadat, Nazanin; Rahmani, Amir Masoud; PDDRA: A new pre-fetching based dynamic data replication algorithm in data grids, Future generation computer systems, 28, 4, 666-681, 2012
- Ghaffari, Ali; Rahmani, Amirmasoud; Khademzadeh, Ahmad; Energy-efficient and QoS-aware geographic routing protocol for wireless sensor networks, IEICE Electronics Express, 8, 8, 582-588, 2011
- Zarei, Mani; Rahmani, Amir Masoud; Farazkish, Razieh; CCTF: congestion control protocol based on trustworthiness of nodes in Wireless Sensor Networks using fuzzy logic, International Journal of Ad Hoc and Ubiquitous Computing, 8, 2-Jan, 54-63, 2011
- Ghaffari, Ali; Rahmani, Amir Masoud; Bannaeian, Hanieh Rahbari; Localized quality of service routing protocol with service differentiation for wireless sensor networks, IEICE Electronics Express, 8, 18, 1498-1504, 2011
- Pourfakhar, Ehsan; Rahmani, Amir Masoud; A hybrid QoS multicast framework-based protocol for wireless mesh networks, Computer Communications, 33, 17, 2079-2092, 2010
- Nourmandi-Pour, Reza; Khadem-Zadeh, Ahmad; Rahmani, Amir Masoud; An IEEE 1149.1-based BIST method for at-speed testing of inter-switch links in network on chip, Microelectronics Journal, 41, 7, 417-429, 2010
- Mosleh, Mohammad; Setayeshi, Saeed; Rahmani, Amir Masoud; A synergy between HMM-GA based on stochastic cellular automata to accelerate speech recognition, IEICE Electronics Express, 6, 18, 1304-1311, 2009
- Mirabedini, Seyed Javad; Teshnehlab, Mohammad; Shenasa, MH; Movaghar, Ali; Rahmani, Amir Masoud; AFAR: adaptive fuzzy ant-based routing for communication networks, Journal of Zhejiang University-SCIENCE A, 9, 12, 1666-1675, 2008
- Mirabedini, Seyed Javad; Teshnehlab, Mohammad; Shenasa, Mohammad Hassan; Rahmani, Amir Masoud; FLAR: an adaptive fuzzy routing algorithm for communications networks using mobile ants, Cybernetics and Systems: An International Journal, 39, 7, 686-704, 2008
- Abbaspour, M; Rahmani*, AM; Teshnehlab, M; Carbon monoxide prediction using novel intelligent network, International Journal of Environmental Science & Technology, 1, 4, 257-264, 2005
Non-ISI journals
- Mohseni, Zeynab; Kiani, Vahdaneh; Rahmani, Amir Masoud; A Task Scheduling Model for Multi-CPU and Multi-Hard Disk Drive in Soft Real-time Systems, International Journal of Information Technology and Computer Science, 11, 1, 2019
- Pourkabirian, Azadeh; Dehghan Takht Fooladi, Mehdi; Zeinali, Esmaeil; Rahmani, Amir Masoud; Base station selection in two-tier femtocell networks: A game-theoretic approach, Journal of New Researches in Mathematics, 2019
- Nobahary, Solmaz; Gharaee Garakani, Hossein; Khademzadeh, Ahmad; Rahmani, Amir Masoud; ISOT: Distributed Selfish Node Detection in Internet of Things, International Journal of Information and Communication Technology Research, 10, 3, 19-30, 2018
- Razzaghzadeh, Shiva; Navin, Ahmad Habibizad; Rahmani, Amir Masoud; Hosseinzadeh, Mehdi; Load Balancing based on Statistical Model in Expert Cloud, Majlesi Journal of Electrical Engineering, 13, 4, 61-71, 2019
- Rahmati, Bahareh; Rahmani, Amir Masoud; Rezaei, Ali; Data replication-based scheduling in cloud computing environment, Journal of Advances in Computer Engineering and Technology, 3, 2, 75-80, 2017
- Mohammadi, Mona; Rahmani, Amir Masoud; De-centralised dynamic task scheduling using hill climbing algorithm in cloud computing environments, International Journal of Cloud Computing, 6, 1, 79-94, 2017
- Alimardani, Mona; Rahmani, Amir Masoud; Zarrabi, Houman; DTMP: Energy Consumption Reduction in Body Area Networks Using a Dynamic Traffic Management Protocol, Journal of Advances in Computer Engineering and Technology, 3, 4, 181-188, 2017
- Emadi, Ghazaal; Rahmani, Amir Masoud; Shahhoseini, Hamed; Task scheduling algorithm using covariance matrix adaptation evolution strategy (CMA-ES) in cloud computing, Journal of Advances in Computer Engineering and Technology, 3, 3, 135-144, 2017
- Mesbahi, Mohammadreza; Rahmani, Amir Masoud; Load balancing in cloud computing: a state of the art survey, International Journal of Modern Education and Computer Science, 8, 3, 64, 2016
- Babaei, Zahra; Rahmani, Amir Masoud; Rezaei, Ali; Real-time reusable event-driven architecture for context aware systems, 2016 24th Iranian conference on electrical engineering (ICEE), 294-299, 2016
- Saadat, Nazanin; Rahmani, Amir Masoud; A two-level fuzzy value-based replica replacement algorithm in data grids, International Journal of Grid and High Performance Computing (IJGHPC), 8, 4, 78-99, 2016
- Akhbarifar, Samira; Rahmani, AM; A Survey on key pre-distribution Schemes for security in Wireless Sensor Networks, 2015
- Rahdari, Danial; Rahmani, Amir Masoud; Aboutaleby, Niusha; Karambasti, Ali Sheidaei; A distributed fault tolerance global coordinator election algorithm in unreliable high traffic distributed systems, International Journal of Information Technology and Computer Science (IJITCS), 7, 3, 11-Jan, 2015
- Rahimirad, Mozhgan; Mosleh, Mohammad; Rahmani, Amir Masoud; Improving the Operation of Text Categorization Systems with Selecting Proper Features Based on PSO-LA, Journal of Advances in Computer Engineering and Technology, 1, 2, 8-Jan, 2015
- Abbasi, Ali; Rahmani, Amir Masoud; Zeinali Khasraghi, Esmaeil; Reliability and Availability Improvement in Economic Data Grid Environment Based On Clustering Approach, Journal of Advances in Computer Engineering and Technology, 1, 4, 14-Jan, 2015
- Kiani, Vahdaneh; Mohseni, Zeynab; Rahmani, Amir Masoud; Real Time Scheduling for CPU and Hard Disk Requirements-Based Periodic Task with the Aim of Minimizing Energy Consumption, International Journal of Information Technology and Computer Science (IJITCS). DOI, 10, 2015
- Hassan Kashi, Hamid; Rahamni, Amir Masoud; Hoseinzadeh, Mehdi; Sadatpour, Vahid; A fault tolerance routing protocol considering defined reliability and energy consumption in wireless sensor networks, Journal of Advances in Computer Engineering and Technology, 1, 1, 8-Jan, 2015
- Dashti, Seyed Ebrahim; A New Scheduling Method for Workflows on Cloud Computing., International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science, 6, 6, 2015
- Sali, Rezvane; Rahmani, Amir Masoud; Sali, Shahnaz; Evaluate the effectiveness of Technology cloud in a hospital emergency level 3, JOURNAL OF MANAGEMENT AND ACCOUNTING STUDIES, 3, 4, 13-Jul, 2015
- Setayesh, Sara; Harounabadi, Ali; Rahmani, Amir Masoud; Presentation of an Extended Version of the PageRank Algorithm to Rank Web Pages Inspired by Ant Colony Algorithm, International Journal of Computer Applications, 85, 17, 2014
- Souri, Alireza; Rahmani, Amir Masoud; A survey for replica placement techniques in data grid environment, International Journal of Modern Education and Computer Science, 6, 5, 46, 2014
- Mesbahi, Mohammadreza; Rahmani, Amir Masoud; Chronopoulos, Anthony Theodore; Cloud light weight: A new solution for load balancing in cloud computing, 2014 International Conference on Data Science & Engineering (ICDSE), 44-50, 2014
- Yoosefi, Maryam Hadadian Nejad; Rahmani, Amir Masoud; Tasks Scheduling Algorithm Extended in Hybrid Clouds to minimize Costs, 2014
- Jafari, Seyedeh Negar; Amirbandi, Jafar Jafari; Rahmani, Amir Masoud; Applying a natural intelligence pattern in cognitive robots, Advances in Computer Science: an International Journal, 2, 2, 31-37, 2013
- Rezaee, Abbas Ali; Yaghmaee, Mohammad Hossein; Rahmani, Amir Masoud; COCM: Class Based Optimized Congestion Management Protocol for Healthcare Wireless Sensor Networks, 2013
- Mansour, Askari Yadollahpour; Navin, Ahmad Habibizad; Rahmani, Amir Masoud; J1 Accumulator-Based Processor for Educational Purposes., International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science, 4, 2, 2013
- Abdeyazdan, Marjan; Parsa, Saeed; Rahmani, Amir Masoud; Pre-scheduling and Scheduling of Task Graph on Homogeneous Multiprocessor Systems, Journal of Advances in Computer Research, 4, 1, 13-29, 2013
- Teymouri, Sanaz; Rahmani, Amir Masoud; A continues double auction method for resource allocation in economic grids, International Journal of Computer Application, 43, 12-Jul, 2012
- Davari, Narjes; Masoud Rahmani, N; Taghizadeh, L; TKGS: Tourists keeping and guiding system, International Journal of Computer Applications, 48, 22, 13-25, 2012
- Rashida, Seyedeh Yasaman; Rahmani, Amir Masoud; A SLA-Aware Scheduling Architecture in Grid System Using Learning Techniques, International Journal of Computer Science Issues (IJCSI), 9, 1, 266, 2012
- Fadaie, Zeinab; Rahmani, Amir Masoud; A new replica placement algorithm in data grid, International Journal of Computer Science Issues (IJCSI), 9, 2, 491, 2012
- Rahdari, Danial; Rahmani, Amir Masoud; Arabshahi, Afsane; Fault Tolerant Message Efficient Coordinator Election Algorithm in High Traffic Bidirectional Ring Network, IJITCS) International Journal of Information Technology and Computer Science, 5, 1, 14-Jan, 2012
- Firoozbahrami, Mahdie; Rahmani, Amir Masoud; Suitable Node Deployment based on Geometric Patterns Considering Fault Tolerance in Wireless Sensor Networks, International Journal of Computer Applications, 975, 8887, 2012
- Barati, H; Movaghar, A; Rahmani, AM; Sarmast, A; A distributed energy aware clustering approach for large scale wireless sensor network, International Journal on Technical and Physical Problems of Engineering (IJTPE), 4, 13, 125-132, 2012
- Kazemi, Ahmad; Masoud Rahmani, Amir; Sadeghzadeh, Mehdi; Kazemi, Houshang; Optimization of Non Structured Query in Semantic Web by use of the Monitor Structure., International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science, 3, 1, 2012
- Taher, Mohammad Tayeb; Masoudrahmani, Amir; Multicast Routing in Computer Networks considering Quality of Service (QoS) based on Honey Bee Algorithm, International Journal of Computer Applications, 58, 2, 2012
- Ghasemi, AS; Rahmani, AM; A new cache replacement policy based on neighbor nodes’ condition in mobile environments, J. Comput, 4, 4, 164-169, 2012
- EffatParvar, Mehdi; Rahmani, Amir Masoud; EffatParvar, MohammadReza; Dehghan, Mehdi; Heap Base Coordinator Finding with Fault Tolerant Method in Distributed Systems, network, 16, 17, 2011
- Abdeyazdan, Marjan; Arjmand, Vahid; masoud Rahmani, Amir; Genetic algorithm based on number of children and height task for multiprocessor task Scheduling, WORLD COMP, 11, 2011
- Rastegari, Elham; Rahmani, Amirmasood; Setayeshi, Saeed; Pervasive computing in healthcare systems, World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, 2011, 59, 2011
- Rezaee, AA; Yaghmaee, MH; Rahmani, AM; Class based congestion control method for healthcare wireless sensor networks, International Geoinformatics Research and Development Journal, 2, 4, 2011
- Nejad, Ebrahim Behrouzian; Khademzadeh, Ahmad; Badie, Kambiz; Rahmani, Amir Masoud; A fuzzy-based performance-enhancing input selection technique for network-on-chip, Scientific Research and Essays, 6, 15, 3252-3260, 2011
- Shirgahi, Hossein; Rahmani, Amir Masoud; Grid resources selection optimization with quality of service guarantee by a hybrid algorithm of genetic and particle swarm optimization, International Journal of Physical Sciences, 6, 30, 6972-6980, 2011
- Dehghani, Sara; Dezfooli, Mashallah Abbasi; Rahmani, Amir Masoud; A Method for Separating Region of Interest In Digital Mammograms, International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science, 2, 1, 2011
- Sheikhi, Nasrin; Rahmani, Amirmasoud; Mohsenzadeh, Mehran; Veisisheikhrobat, Reza; An Unsupervised Feature Selection Method Based On Genetic Algorithm, International Journal of Computer Science & Information Security, 2011
- Mamosian, Heidar; Rahmani, Amir Masoud; Dezfouli, Mashalla Abbasi; A New Clustering Approach based on Page's Path Similarity for Navigation Patterns Mining, arXiv preprint arXiv:1003.1450, 2010
- Asfia, Mohsen; Pedram, Mir Mohsen; Rahmani, Amir Masoud; Main content extraction from detailed web pages, International Journal of Computer Applications, 4, 11, 18-21, 2010
- Dehghan, S; Rahmani, AM; A new extended group mutual exclusion algorithm with low message complexity in distributed systems, International Journal of Computer, Electrical, Automation, Control and Information Engineering, 4, 4, 748-753, 2010
- Hassaniasl, Hamid R; Rahmani, Amir M; Dezfuli, M Abbasi; Eghbali, A Nasiri; Forwarding factor based directed diffusion (FFDD) in wireless sensor networks, Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences, 4, 2, 217-226, 2010
- Sara-Meshkizadeh, Dr; Masoud-Rahmani, Amir; Webpage classification based on compound of using HTML features & URL features and features of sibling pages, International Journal of Advancements in Computing Technology, 2, 4, 36-46, 2010
- Mehdi, Hamid; Rahmani, Amir Masoud; Presenting an approach in order to predict routers traffic and amount of their alternation in Internet Data Centers (IDC), IJCSNS, 10, 3, 78, 2010
- Navimipour, Nima Jafari; Rahmani, Amir Masoud; The New Genetic Based Method with OptimumNumber of Super Node for Fault Tolerant Systemin Heterogeneous Wireless Sensor Network, International Journal of Computer and Electrical Engineering, 2, 1, 99, 2010
- Jula, Amin; Naseri, N Khatoon; Rahmani, Amir Masood; Gravitational attraction search with virtual mass (gasvm) to solve static grid job scheduling problem, The Journal of Mathematics and Computer Science, 1, 4, 305-312, 2010
- Razavi, Negin; Rahmani, Amir Masoud; Mohsenzadeh, Mehran; A context-based trust management model for pervasive computing systems, arXiv preprint arXiv:0911.0497, 2009
- Meshkizadeh, Sara; Rahmani, Amir Masoud; Dezfuli, Mashallah Abassi; Web page classification based on URL features and features of sibling pages, IJCSIS, 8, 2, 2010
- Rahmani, Amir Masoud; Rezvani, Mojtaba; A novel genetic algorithm for static task scheduling in distributed systems, International Journal of Computer Theory and Engineering, 1, 1, 1, 2009
- Reza Hassaniasl, Hamid; masoud Rahmani, Amir; Dezfuli, Mashaallah Abbasi; Eghbali, Arash Nasiri; A Novel Score-Aware Routing Algorithm In Wireless Sensor Networks, International Journal of Computer Science and Security (IJCSS), 3, 5, 397, 2009
- Rahmani, Amir Masoud; Hossaini, Zahra; Setayeshi, Saeed; Link processing for fuzzy web pages clustering and classification, European Journal of Scientific Research, 27, 4, 620, 2009
- Siadat, Safieh; Rahmani, Amir Masoud; Mohsenzadeh, Mehran; Proposed platform for improving grid security by trust management system, arXiv preprint arXiv:0911.0498, 2009
- Mahdipour, Ebrahim; Rahmani, A; Setayeshi, Saeed; Importance sampling for a Markov modulated queuing network with customer impatience until the end of service, Informatica Economica, 13, 3, 106-118, 2009
- Dargahi, Farnaz; Rahmani, AmirMasoud; Jabehdari, Sam; Nodes' credit based directed diffusion for wireless sensor networks, International Journal of Grid and Distributed Computing, 1, 1, 39-48, 2008
- Rezaee, Ali; Rahmani, Amir M; Parsa, Saeed; Adabi, Sahar; A multi-agent architecture for qos support in grid environment, Journal of Computer Science, 4, 3, 225, 2008
- Rahmani, Amir Masoud; Vahedi, Mohammad Ali; A novel task scheduling in multiprocessor systems with genetic algorithm by using elitism stepping method, INFOCOMP Journal of Computer Science, 7, 2, 58-64, 2008