
【IAI announcement】112-1學年度國智所MB107研究生申請位置 112-1 IAI students apply for a seat in MB107 study room



1. 112-1學年度有需登記使用MB107研究室的同學們,請於9月11日至9月14日中午12:00,繳交「MB107研究室座位借用申請表」至MA309國際辦公室國智所助理Joy,請於規定時間內繳交,逾期不候。

2. 111-2學年度有登記使用MB107研究室的學生們,若112-1學年度也有需登記使用者,請於9月11日至9月14日12:00繳交「MB107研究室座位借用申請表」至MA309辦公室國智所助理。若112-1新學期不繼續申請者,請整理整理座位(桌子、椅子、地板)、移除電腦中的遊戲軟體或非校內規範之軟體,並恢復原先電腦設定,2023年9月15日所辦助理及工讀生會配合學校規定檢查各電腦使用狀況,以及整體環境衛生,請大家配合。


3. 111-2有登記且112-1也需申請者,可優先選位置,其餘先繳交申請表者可以先選擇位置,所辦助理會初步審查,再交由國智所許所長審核,預計9月15日公告112-1學年度MB107使用名單。


4. MB107-1 討論室開放國智所學生們使用,請先填表格登記,以確保使用期間保持場地,無破壞,謝謝。


國智所資源下載: https://iai.yuntech.edu.tw/download


Dear IAI students,


1. If you would like to apply for a seat in MB107 Study Room in the first year of 112 Academic year, please fill up the application form and hand it to IAI assistant Joy in MA309 office from September 11, 2023 to September 14, 2023 at 12:00. Please kindly follow the time. 


2. Students who applied in the second year of 111 Academic year and would like to apply in the first year of 112 Academic year, please also fill up the application form and hand it to IAI assistant Joy in MA309 office from September 11, 2023 to September 14, 2023  at 12:00. If you won’t apply for a seat in the first year of 112 Academic year, please clean up the seat and remove unauthorized applications in the computer. September 15, 2023 IAI assistant and part-time job students will check MB107 environment again. 


3. Students who applied in the second year of 111 Academic year and would like to apply in the first year of 112 Academic year could choose the seat first. For other students, IAI assistants will review the application forms first and then send them to IAI Professor Hsu for evaluation. We will announce the name lists soon.


4. If you need a place to discuss or have meetings, MB107-1 welcome all IAI students. Please register first in order to make sure the users keep the place clean and there is no destruction. Thank you.


IAI website download: https://iai.yuntech.edu.tw/download