
【YunTech Academic Affairs announcement】因應國內流感疫情,請各教學單位注意授課情形,請老師及學生配合辦理

主旨: 因應國內流感疫情,請各教學單位注意授課情形,請老師及學生配合辦理




⭐️教師: 在家休息至退燒後24小時才能反向上課。若教師請假,請依規定調課或是遠距上課。

⭐️學生: 經衛生教育組收案列管後,可以請特殊病假5天,並告知老師。


Theme: In response to the domestic influenza epidemic, all teaching units must closely monitor the teaching situation and request the cooperation of teachers and students.


When a case of influenza is diagnosed among teachers or students in the school, teachers should employ flexible teaching methods in accordance with the school's epidemic prevention measures.


⭐️Teachers: Rest at home until 24 hours after the fever subsides before returning to class. If teachers need to request leave, please follow the regulations for adjusting classes or teaching remotely.

⭐️Students: After a case is reported and managed by the YunTech Health Care Center, students can take special sick leave for up to 5 days and should inform their teacher.