【YunTech Academic Affairs announcement】112學年度第2學期研究生學位考試申請112-2 Masters and Ph.D. Degree Examination
主旨: 112學年度第2學期研究生學位考試申請作業
1.登入路徑網址: https://webapp.yuntech.edu.tw/YunTechSSO/Account/Login
-第 2 學期:開始上課日至 5 月 15 日前,完成線上申請及紙本資料送繳。
雲科教處處公告: https://webapp.yuntech.edu.tw/MSS/Announce/Content?serial=4092
國智所資料下載: https://iai.yuntech.edu.tw/download
Theme: 112-2 Masters and Ph.D. Degree Examination
⭐️Instructions for Applying for Graduate Degree Examination
1.YunTech SSO: https://webapp.yuntech.edu.tw/YunTechSSO/Account/Login
-Log-in(1):SSO/Academic System/”Dissertations/Theses for Master/Doctoral Degrees”/Online Application for the Oral Thesis/Dissertation Defense
-Log-in(2):SSO/Top Applications/Online Application for the Oral Thesis/Dissertation Defense
2.The application for degree examination can be accessed during the following periods:
Deadline for Degree Examination Application: The most stringent regulations of each department shall prevail.
- Spring semester: from the first day of new classes to May 15th
Academic Affairs announcement link: https://webapp.yuntech.edu.tw/MSS/Announce/Content?serial=4092
IAI documents download: https://iai.yuntech.edu.tw/download