
國立雲林科技大學資訊管理系 誠徵編制外專任教學人員公告

國立雲林科技大學國智所 誠徵編制外專任教學人員公告



(二) 具備教育部承認之國內外博士學位或教育部頒發助理教授以上證書。


三、 其他需求條件:

(一) 應具備全英語授課能力。

(二) 應具備一年以上與任教領域相關之業界實務工作經驗。(需檢附相關工作證明,但技術及職業教育法施行前已在職之編制內專任合格教師,不在此限)。

(三) 請檢附可教授課程之教學大綱至少二門。





1.學士、碩士、博士學位證書: 最高學歷為國外學歷,應經我國駐外單位驗證學位證書、成績證明,並向入出國及移民署申請核發入出國紀錄。


3.具一年以上與任教領域相關之業界經驗證明: 請依「本校教師業界實務工作經驗認定要點」檢具相關證明。














Faculty Recruiting
International Graduate School of Artificial Intelligence, National Yunlin University of Science and Technology, Taiwan
International Graduate School of Artificial Intelligence of the National Yunlin University of Science and Technology is conducting a worldwide recruit for 1 employment of full-time contract faculty position as Assistant or Associate or Full professor to engage in teaching, research, and service (duties begin on February 1, 2025).
We invite applications from outstanding scholars in all areas of IM. English native speakers are welcome. Applicants should have a Ph.D. in IM/ AI or a closely related field and demonstrate strength in scholarly research and knowledge in any emerging area in artificial intelligence and programming. Candidates are required to have at least 1-year practical experience and ability to teach 1 fully English course per semester.
Applicants should submit:
1. curriculum vitae and affidavit letter
2. copy of identity card or passport
3. photocopy of Ph.D./Master diploma
4. working experience statement
5. official Ph.D. transcript,
6. at least two letters of reference,
7. list of 2-3 potential courses (including course titles and course descriptions or syllabi)
8. list of recent 5-year publications with the hyperlinks of journal websites for downloading and explanation of research contributions and
9. other supporting materials of teaching effectiveness (e.g., teaching experience and evaluation, teaching awards, student testimonials, etc.).
Positions are open until filled. Interested candidates, please send all application documents to the College of Management of the National Yunlin University of Science and Technology by September 30, 2024. For further information, please contact the office secretary, Ms. Chiu, at chiuyk@yuntech.edu.tw

